Brand & Design Systems

Uniting creativity and strategy, this project showcases a variety of projects with a focus on developing comprehensive design systems that articulate a brand's vision and ensure consistency across all user touchpoints.



This case study focuses on the brand identity design created for Seams Better, an ethical fashion subscription service. The project aimed to develop a visual identity that reflects the brand's core values of sustainabilityethical practices, and modern fashion sensibilities.



The main challenge was to craft a brand identity that resonates with Seams Better's target audience - environmentally and socially conscious consumers who do not want to compromise on style. The identity needed to communicate the brand's commitment to ethical fashion while appealing to a fashion-forward demographic.



1. Understanding the Brand
Initial discussions with Seams Better's team helped me understand their vision, target audience, and ethical values.
2. Research and Inspiration
Conducted extensive research on ethical fashion trends, competitor branding, and consumer preferences in the sustainable fashion market.
3. Concept Development
Developed several design concepts that blended elements of sustainability with a modern, chic aesthetic.
4. Design Elements
Color Palette: Choose a palette that reflects earthiness and sustainability, with a mix of vibrant and neutral tones to convey both ethical grounding and fashion-forward energy.
Typography: Selected a clean, contemporary typeface that speaks to both the brand's modern approach and its commitment to clarity and transparency.
Imagery: Focused on lifestyle imagery that showcases diverse individuals wearing the clothing, highlighting the practical and stylish aspects of the brand.
5. Logo Design
Created a logo that symbolizes the seamless integration of ethical practices and style, embodying the essence of Seams Better.


The new brand identity was rolled out across various platforms, including the website, social media, packaging, and marketing materials. This cohesive visual presence helped in strengthening the brand's market position.



1. Enhanced Brand Recognition: The new identity significantly increased brand recognition, resonating well with the target audience.
2. Positive Customer Feedback: Received overwhelmingly positive feedback from customers who appreciated the brand's commitment to ethics and style.
3. Increased Engagement: Saw a notable increase in engagement on social media and website traffic post rebranding.



The brand identity design for Seams Better successfully encapsulated the essence of the brand - a harmonious blend of ethical practices and contemporary fashion. This project not only elevated the brand's visual appeal but also strengthened its position as a leader in the ethical fashion industry.

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